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Pitreavie Amateur Athletics Club

4j Scottish Track and Field Club of the Year

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Competition Sub-Group

Published on Thursday, 02 April 2015 22:29

Competition Sub Group

As part of the planned re-structure of the club we would like to set up a Competitions group, the group will be responsible for;

* Making sure that all members get the opportunity to compete for the club

* Ensuring that we are entered in the leagues for track and field and cross country

* Recruiting & supporting Team Managers

* Look for alternative competition for our senior athletes

* Booking officials for our competitions

There will be activity in the build up to the summer and winter session to ensure that we have paid our league fees, secured team managers and officials, outside of this period this group would not need to meet very often.

This is an ideal opportunity for parents of younger athletes to do a little bit to support the club and gain a better understanding of athletics. It is also ideal for some of the senior athletes who can work to ensure that the competition structure works for them and to help us to seek out alternative competitions as we look to retain our seniors as 1st claim athletes. Athlete led decision making!

Why join this group?

I plan to be one of the members of this competition group, with a particular interest in cross country, trail and hills. I plan to hold regular cross country time trials, so that the younger athletes can come and try it and the older athletes can measure their improvements – with the objective of getting more athletes competing for PAAC outside over the winter and getting more PAAC athletes on the podium.

If you would like to be a member of this group please let me know – ideally be email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – or speak to me on a training night.

The only way forward for this club is to break up and share the tasks and recruit members to do these tasks. We understand that a committee post in the current structure is daunting, have taken this on board and spread the load across many tasks. Please take up this opportunity to help and secure the future of the club, if not in this group in one of the others.


Penny Hicks

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